Dental Administrative Assistant’s Guide to Handling Online Reviews

  • Dental Administrative Assistant
  • April 8, 2024
  • 4 min read
Dental Administrative Assistant's Guide to Handling Online Reviews

Whether favorable or unfavorable, internet reviews are an inevitable outlet for clients to share their experiences with everyone online. Your ability to effectively handle these reviews significantly influences how prospective patients regard the practice, so appropriately managing your online reputation is essential to your success in the internet era. 

The main question is, how do you keep calm when dealing with negative comments? And what can you do to get more patients to share their positive experiences? Don’t sweat it! This blog has got your back.

Importance of Online Reviews

For dental professionals, internet reviews are extremely important!  As more and more individuals look for dentists online, those online reviews are becoming extremely significant. 

Consumer Trust

First of all, social proof takes the shape of internet reviews. Potential consumers frequently turn to online reviews for insight into other people’s experiences when assessing dental offices. Good reviews can instill confidence and trust in the practice, which raises the possibility that new clients will schedule an appointment. On the other hand, negative reviews may raise questions and discourage individuals from choosing a certain dentist.

Online Visibility 

On top of that, online feedback can have a major influence on a practice’s search engine results visibility. Search engines such as Google determine a practice’s rating in local search results based on the number and quality of reviews. Potential patients will find the practice easier if it has a high volume of positive reviews.

Improving Practice Performance

Online reviews often give dental clinics insightful commentary. Practices can find areas for improvement and implement the required changes. The goal is to improve the patient experience by listening to patient input. Online reviews provide insightful information that clinics can use to serve their patients better.

Best Practices for Managing Online Reviews

Internet reviews are essential for demonstrating a professional’s reputation online or in business circles. Your business needs to obtain a sizable number of testimonials to validate its services and maintain a credible online reputation.

If the business wants to excel and get an advantage over a large amount of competition online, it is your responsibility as a dental administrative assistant to ensure that you follow best practices for managing reviews. The following section will discuss some of the most significant tips for dealing with customer feedback.

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Monitor and Respond Promptly

As a dental administrative assistant, you must routinely monitor online review platforms such as Google My Business, Yelp, and Healthgrades for new comments. Whether the reviews are excellent or negative, you must respond promptly for maximum effect. 

Aim to respond within 24-48 hours to show that you value patient comments and are proactive in addressing their problems, which will create trust and satisfaction among patients. Thank satisfied patients for their great remarks, and address any problems highlighted in bad reviews.

Maintain Professionalism and Empathy

As a dental administrative assistant, you must demonstrate professionalism and sensitivity while addressing poor reviews. It is a “must” to respond respectfully and avoid becoming defensive. Acknowledge the patient’s experience and express empathy for their dissatisfaction, even if you disagree with their feedback. 

Offer sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused and provide an opportunity to discuss the problem privately, including contact information for further communication. Above all, respect patient confidentiality by not sharing any sensitive information about the patient or their treatment in your comments. This approach indicates a commitment to patient care and professionalism, which inspires confidence and respect in the dental practice.

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Encourage Positive Reviews and Feedback

Encouraging positive feedback and comments from happy customers is necessary to maintaining the reputation of the dental practice you work for. Encourage patients to share their positive experiences online through several methods, including in-person inquiries after appointments, review links in email correspondence, and visible signage throughout the office. 

Make the review process more accessible by offering clear instructions and direct connections to your chosen review platforms. Express sincere gratitude to patients who take the time to provide good feedback, both online and in person, stressing the importance of their contributions and encouraging ongoing participation. By establishing a culture of feedback and appreciation, the dental practice can improve patient relationships and attract new customers.


To summarize, efficiently managing internet reviews is essential for dental administrative assistants to preserve their stellar standing and increase customer satisfaction. If you want to learn more in relation to this topic, check out our previously published article. Read our blog on How to Succeed as a Dental Administrative Assistant.

Yu Lee
Healthcare Administration Program Chair

Born in South Korea, Yu Chung Lee moved to Las Vegas to attend Spring Valley High School and then UNLV. She is now a member of our educational staff and is the instructor for one of our dental administrative assisting…Read Full Bio

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