Sexual Harassment

Harassment is verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion towards an individual because of his or her protected status, or that of persons with whom the individual associates.

NCC prohibits sexual harassment including, but not limited to:

  • Coerced sexual acts;
  • Touching or assaulting an individual’s body, or staring, in a sexual manner;
  • Graphic, verbal commentary about an individual’s body or sexuality;
  • Unwelcome or offensive sexual jokes, sexual language, sexual epithets, sexual gossip, sexual comments or sexual inquiries;
  • Unwelcome flirtations, advances or propositions;
  • Continuing to ask an individual for a date after the individual has indicated that he or she is not interested;
  • Sexually suggestive or obscene comments or gestures;
  • The display of graphic and sexually suggestive objects, pictures, or graffiti or any computer-generated sexually explicit pictures or graffiti;
  • Negative statements or disparaging remarks targeted at one’s gender (either men or women), even if the content of the verbal abuse is not sexual in nature; or
  • Any form of retaliation against an individual for complaining about the type of behavior described above or supporting the complaint of the alleged victim.

Individuals who believe they are being harassed or discriminated against should notify the alleged offender that his or her behavior is unwelcome and attempt to resolve the issue with that person directly. They should also report the incident immediately to the Title IX Coordinator or a Campus Security Officer.

NCC will not retaliate against any individual who makes a report of perceived harassment or discrimination, nor will it permit such behavior by any students or employee at NCC. Retaliation is a serious violation of NCC policy, and those who feel they have been subjected to any acts of retaliation should immediately report such conduct to a Student Development representative or follow the Grievance Policy procedures.

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