NCC maintains malpractice/professional liability insurance in order to provide limited liability protection to
students while practicing their clinical skills in class or during internship/externship experiences.
Coverage Details
This insurance is intended to cover:
Injuries to students, patients, faculty, or staff that may occur while a student practices clinical skills
during a scheduled laboratory class session or an externship/internship course and in accordance
with industry-standard workplace safety requirements.
This insurance is NOT intended to cover:
Injuries that occur due to a failure to comply with industry-standard workplace safety requirements.
Self-inflicted injuries (whether the incident was on purpose or accidental).
Other personal injuries that may occur due to a patient/client’s actions, the actions of an employee
of a clinical externship site, or other unforeseeable actions of unrelated parties present at an
affiliated site.
Property damage, on-campus or at an affiliated site.
Injuries that are not covered by professional liability insurance are expected to be covered via individual
health insurance or the affiliated site’s general liability insurance. If a student causes property damage,
they are liable for all costs associated with the repair.