
Policy Statement

NCC awards grades for courses using a letter grade or on a pass/fail basis using the scale listed below and permanently records these grades within its student information system after the conclusion of each term. Students are awarded a W for any courses for which they are registered during a 12-week term but do not complete.

GradePercentageGPA EquivalentIncluded in GPA CalculationIncluded in Rate of Progress Calculation
Letter Grade Courses
A90% - 100%4.0YesCredits attempted and credits earned
B80% - 89%3.0YesCredits attempted and credits earned
C70% - 79% 2.0YesCredits attempted and credits earned
FBelow 70%0.0Yes*Credits attempted and credits NOT earned
Pass/Fail Courses
Pass70% - 100%4.0YesCredits attempted and credits earned
FailBelow 70%0.0Yes*Credits attempted and credits NOT earned
All Courses
WWithdrawn0.0Yes*Credits attempted and credits NOT earned
TCTransfer Credit Not CalculatedNoCredits NOT attempted and credits NOT earned

*NCC includes F and/or W grade(s) in GPA calculations until the student repeats the course. Once the student repeats a course, NCC replaces the prior F and/or W grade(s) in GPA calculations with the most recent course grade. NCC includes the grades from all course attempts on the student’s official transcript and all course attempts are included as credits attempted for Rate of Progress calculations.

Incomplete Courses

NCC does not award incomplete grades. All course grades are finalized within three (3) business days of the end of the term. Students who do not pass a course or the requirements of a scheduled course are awarded an “F”. Students who do not pass a course or complete all requirements of a scheduled course are awarded an “F” or “Fail”. Students who are awarded an “F” or “Fail” in a course as a result of an incomplete certification requirement may appeal this determination if they submit documentation that they have completed the certification requirement within 180 days of the student’s last date of attendance.

Repeated Courses

Students must repeat and successfully pass any courses in which they receive “F”, “Fail”, or “W” grades. NCC will schedule students to repeat courses as soon as reasonably achievable based upon course schedules and faculty availability.

Program TypeRepeated Course Restrictions
CertificateStudents who receive “F”, “Fail”, or “W” grades may not repeat courses and are administratively withdrawn from their program.
DiplomaStudents who receive “F”, “Fail”, or “W” grades may repeat courses up to a maximum of three total attempts (excluding course withdrawals).
Associate DegreeStudents who receive “F”, “Fail”, or “W” grades may repeat courses as needed.

Students repeating a course will not receive credit for any work completed during a prior attempt of that course and must successfully complete all course requirements again to pass the course.

Academic Records

Students may review their current course grade(s) at any time by opening the “Grades” page within any active course in their learning management system. Students should contact their instructor to request assistance if they identify a discrepancy in their current course grade(s).

Students may review their completed course grade(s) at any time by opening the “My Grades” page within the “My Academics” section of their student portal. Students should contact their assigned Academic Advisor to request assistance if they identify a discrepancy in their completed course grade(s).

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