The Benefits Of Studying Medical Administrative Assistant Online

  • Medical Administrative Assistant
  • March 11, 2024
  • 4 min read
medical admin assisting students studying online

Here at Northwest Career College, we recognize that not everyone has time in their busy Las Vegas schedule to accommodate full time, on-campus study. We also firmly believe that your commitments to your family, personal and professional life shouldn’t prevent you from accessing the qualification that you deserve, which is why we offer a range of study modes, including part-time and online.

For some people, especially those returning to education, online study can seem daunting. However, for millions of Americans, studying online has been the ideal way to work towards the qualification they want while still committing time and effort to their established responsibilities.

If you are considering enrolling with us to study at our Medical Administrative Assistant School, here are some reasons why online study might be the best option for you.


Enrolling in one of our online courses is an excellent way to study for the qualification that will open up a whole new career path for you, without adding extra stress to your already busy lifestyle. You can study from the comfort and privacy of your own home, without worry about leaving your job early to get to campus on time or finding child-care so that you can attend class.


One of the best parts of studying online is that you can do it from the comfort of your own home. This means you can tailor your learning space to suit you exactly. You will never be too hot, too cold, your chair will always be comfortable, and instead of listening to that one student that always has a cough, you can just put them on mute.

The only downside to this level of comfort is that is can be distracting, so it best to set yourself up with a personal learning space that has the minimum of potential distractions, which means no watching Netflix during lessons.

Self-Paced Learning

Studying online gives you the option to learn at your own pace and schedule your study around the other part of your life. While completing your course should still be your priority, you can approach your study at a pace that suits you allowing time across your week, rather than trying to jam everything to the hours you can spare to be on campus.

Lower Costs

Studying online means no transport costs and, if you are using a computer that you already own, you are cutting down on the cost of study materials. Studying from the comfort of your own home also has its own cost-saving benefits, you won’t find yourself spending out on lunch when you are five steps from your kitchen

A Respected Qualification

Employers aren’t concerned about whether you got your qualification online, only that you took the time to find a course that you could comfortably complete on your own terms with a respected institution like Northwest.

Having an online course qualification on your resume looks great, it proves that you have the initiative to go out and find the course that was right for you and the drive to gain the qualification you wanted, even if you didn’t have time for standard classroom teaching.

Start Your Career As A Medical Administrative Assistant With Us

Here at Northwest Career College, our student-centered philosophy means that you come first. We offer a flexible schedule so you can care for your family and have a balanced life in Las Vegas while advancing towards your new career. We pride ourselves on being the premier Medical Administrative Assistant Schools in Las Vegas and our established, seasoned instructors offer online and on-campus night classes to accommodate your busy work and family schedule. Call us at (702) 403-1592 to speak to one of our admissions assistants about your new medical administrative assistant career.

Corey Del Pino
Dean Of Clinical Programs

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Corey Del Pino attended Northern Arizona University after high school and graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology with a Chemistry Minor in 2012. After attending Mohave Community College and earning her Medical… Read Full Bio

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