Learning Language Basics in Four Steps

  • ESL Courses
  • March 11, 2024
  • 3 min read
Learning Language Basics

For many first-time language learners, the idea of learning a whole new language can be overwhelming. In today’s article, we’ll be looking at how you can start learning the useful basics of a language in just four easy steps.

Language Basics in Four Steps

Have Specific Goals 

If you goal is just to become fluent, then you’ll need to be learning for years before you hit any achievable milestones. Plus, with such a non-specific goal it can be difficult to see that you’re making any progress at all, which in turn can be very frustrating.

Instead of just setting out to learn a language in full, set yourself small obtainable goals that you might be able to achieve in the next few days. This could be as simple as learning a new phrase, ordering your coffee in a certain language, or just mastering the pronunciation of a difficult word.

Learn Words You’ll Actually Use

Eventually, you’ll want the entire vocabulary of your chosen language at your command, but for the moment you’ll get a greater sense of accomplishment from being able to use your new language in simple day-to-day situations.

Simple questions and answers, types of food, directions, and other things you’ll have to use on multiple occasions daily are going to be more important than knowing how to answer complex physics questions.

Learn Whole Phrases

You’ll probably start off learning single words, but it’s a great idea to combine them into phrases as fast as possible. Human communication is rarely monosyllabic, so you’ll get more use of out properly assembled phrases and using them more often means you are more likely to commit them to memory. 

It’s Ok to Make Mistakes

No one does anything as complex as learning a language perfectly the first time around. You’re going to make mistakes and that is ok, it’s part of the learning process. Instead of being embarrassed, think of them as an excellent chance to improve your language skills. If someone points out you’ve made mistakes, ask them to break down where you went wrong and how to correct yourself for next time.

Experienced, Efficient And Free For Students

The benefits of taking an ESL course are clear. By improving your English skills you gain better access to education, greater earning potential, a better social life, and even better results from healthcare. We here at Northwest Community College are committed to enhancing our student’s lives, which is why we are proud to offer our ESL courses free of charge to our students and to extend that offer to their families.

Our seasoned language teachers are experienced in working with international students from all over the world and are there to help you get the most from your classes. We also offer day and weekend classes to help your lessons fit in with your work and home life. If you are interested in taking advantage of this excellent opportunity then call one of our ESL councilors today at (702) 403-1592.

Chief Information Officer

Dr. Thomas Kenny was born in Chicago, raised in Las Vegas, but considers Northwest Career College his true home. He has been working at NCC for as long as he can remember. He started by moving and building furniture on… Read Full Bio