How to Use Music As Part Of Massage Therapy?

  • Massage Therapy
  • March 11, 2024
  • 3 min read
Getting massage while listening to music

Great massage therapy isn’t just about knowing and applying the right techniques, it’s about setting the scene properly and using everything at your disposal to make the customer as happy and relaxed as possible. Music has a significant part to play in creating that kind of relaxed atmosphere. Think about your favorite song, then consider how just hearing it can smooth away some of the stresses of a troubled day. The right music during massage can have the same effect, allowing you to better relax your patient and for them to have a more enjoyable massage experience. To help you build the kind of atmosphere that relaxes, we’ve put together some tips on how to use music as part of massage therapy.

  • Have a range of music available – When building a library of music, try not to just select the music that you like. The idea of an hour of pan pipes might be your nightmare, but if it’s what the customer wants then its up to you to have it on hand. Do you research beforehand and take advice from other massage practitioners to see what works for them.
  • Always ask first – Some customers may be dead set against the idea of music during their massage session. As with every part of a massage, it’s always best to keep the customer informed and enquire as to their preferences before you act. They may even have music requests that they can convey to you in advance, allowing you to prepare a personalised playlist for them.
  • Have a white noise option – Music with a strong beat or lyrics can be distracting for some people. A good way to overcome this, without losing the relaxing effect that music can have, is to include a white noise option. White noise is sonic energy randomly spread across a wide frequency band, containing all notes from high to low. Some people find white noise to be very relaxing and white noise machines are widely available and inexpensive.
  • Get the right license – Depending on the venue you are using for your massage therapy, and the type of music you’re playing, you may need a license to play music for business purposes. Licensing laws vary from state to state, but it’s always best to do your work researching these regulations in advance, before they can become a problem.

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At Northwest Career College, we operate one of the best Massage Therapy Schools in Las Vegas and our Massage Therapy Course will teach you the skills you’ll need to apply the benefits of sports massage. The benefits of massage therapy are widely recognized with employment for massage therapists expected to increase by 22% between 2014-2024, with an average massage therapist earning $39,360 a year. Additionally, many massage therapists maintain active, private practices as well increasing both their flexibility and earnings.

Our massage student clinic is open seven days a week, for both your and your clients’ convenience, and we offer day and night classes to accommodate your work and family schedules. Our instructors are experienced professionals who will prepare you to sit for either the NCBTMB (National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage) or the MBLEX (Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards) exams and we are proud of our 100% board pass rate. Call us at (702) 403-1592 to speak to one of our enrollment specialists today!

Ivy Adams
Massage Therapy Program Chair

Born and raised in Las Vegas, Ivy is a proud graduate of Northwest Career College, class of 1999, and has been a Licensed Massage Therapist ever since. Her eighteen years of experience has taken her through an eclectic array of… Read Full Bio